MCModeler is a Minecraft modeling tool that combines the ease of level-based, top-down 2D editing with the ability to preview your creations in true 3D.
Dire Warnings
MCModeler is not yet ready for prime time. It is made available for download in its current state mainly for developers and technically savvy users who enjoy living on the bleeding edge. It has many, many missing features (undo support, rectangle and circle tools), many missing blocks (panes and bars, torches, saplings and flowers, etc.), and probably many bugs. The save format is likely to change before release, so your creations may be lost or corrupted at some point in the future. In short, you should download this to play around with it or help write it, not to get serious work done with it. You have been warned.
Message to Developers
I am actively looking for developers to help me work on MCModeler. If you're interested, please take a look at the Development page on the wiki and grab the source code for yourself. At the time of this writing, MCModeler is very well documented, so finding your way around should be pretty easy. If you are fluent in OpenGL, I especially need your help — my attempts at 3D graphics programming are pretty n00b-ish.
MCModeler can be downloaded for Mac and Windows.
Download for Mac Download for WindowsControls
MCModeler uses the following keyboard and mouse controls.
Navigation (with 3D preview focused)
- Move Forwards
- W
- Move Backwards
- S
- Slide Left
- A
- Slide Right
- D
- Move Up
- Space (or E)
- Move Down
- Shift (or C)
- Turn Left
- Press left mouse button in 3D preview, drag to the left
- Turn Right
- Press left mouse button in 3D prevview, drag to the right
- Look Upwards
- Press left mouse button in 3D view, drag upwards
- Look Downwards
- Press left mouse button in 3D view, drag downwards
Editing (with Level window focused)
- Place Block
- Left click
- Remove Block
- Right click
- Replace Block
- Left click on already placed block of different type
- Rotate Block
- Left click on already placed block of same type
- Draw Line from Last Placed Block
- Shift + left click
- Flood Fill Enclosed Area
- ⌘ + left click (Mac), Ctrl + left click (Windows)
- Flood Clear Contiguous Blocks
- ⌘ + right click (Mac), Ctrl + right click (Windows)
Other Commands
Various other commands (extrude, copy, change levels) can be accessed using standard keyboard shortcuts from the menu bar.
MCModeler is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0, the full text of which can be found at the Apache license page.
MCModeler uses several third-party libraries (a full list is available in the About dialog) that are licensed under the LGPL version 2.1, the full text of which can be found at the LGPL license page. In compliance with that license, the source code for these libraries can be found in the third_party directory within this repository, along with a copy of the LGPL (as LICENSE.LIB).
MCModeler also uses the Qt framework by Nokia, which is also licensed under the LGPL 2.1. The source code for Qt can be found at Nokia's web site.